Sara Alali • That Coffee • Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

As an entrepreneur, especially a female entrepreneur in a fairly new industry in my region, people around me kept telling me that I will face obstacles and hardships over and over again without really telling me what they were. At some points, told me I would fail.

I really dedicated my time to understand what these challenges might be in order to avoid them but little did I know that each experience is different and there surely isn’t a manual that can prepare you for embarking on a new venture.

As I was researching ways to alter my approach, I came across MAP IT FORWARD and immediately signed up hoping to find something that would give me a sense of direction and the rest was history.

I have become part of a community that allows you to be vulnerable, talking about your experiences without feeling like a failure and always being solution-oriented. The beauty of the program is that it’s tailored in a way that guides you and not tells you what to do. It was up to me, based on my learnings and stories of my peers that I find solutions to my problems helping me be an independent entrepreneur with a problem-solving mindset. - Sara Alali - That Coffee and SCA Certified Training

Small business Mastermind group + Entrepreneurship & Life Currencies Mastermind Group member + 1 on 1 Monthly Coaching Client.